Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Identification Document

List of Works:

1. Wayment. Self Portrait and Logo. Adobe Illustrator. Self-Directed. Completed May 2015.

2. Wayment. Two-Bit Bike Racks. Adobe Illustrator. Commissioned. Completed May 2015.

3. Wayment. Luigi's. Adobe Illustrator. Self-Directed. Completed August 2015.

4. Wayment. WhatIf Mobile Game. Sketch. Self-Directed. In-Progress.

5. Wayment. Video Game Night. Adobe Illustrator. Commissioned. Completed September 2015.

6. Wayment. Weber Wipeout. Adobe Illustrator. Commissioned.  Completed October 2015.

7. Wayment. Mad Wolf Illustration. Adobe Illustrator. Self-Directed. Completed February 2015.

8. Wayment. Faith Graffiti. Adobe Photoshop. Self-Directed. Completed February 2015.

9. Wayment. Tanner Graffiti. Adobe Photoshop. Color-Theory Class. Completed February 2015.

10. Wayment. Puppy. Adobe Photoshop. Photoshop Class. Completed September 2015.

11. Wayment. Wall Murals. Paint on wall. Commissioned. 8ft x 60ft. Completed June 2015.

12. Wayment. House Sketch Series. Graphite on paper. Commissioned. 8.5 x 11. Completed 2012.

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